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ROSA updates from #CSW68,
United Nations Conference in New York

ROSA Norge - på FN konferanse i New York
  • ROSA met with the Human Trafficking Unit Chief, David Weiss at Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office and the prosecution lawyers there.  The Brooklyn Human Trafficking Task Force combats all forms of human trafficking through a coordinated community response and uses a victim-centered approach in proactively investigating and prosecuting human trafficking. The approach also provides comprehensive, trauma-informed services to victims of human trafficking and enhances community capacity to identify and report the crime.
  • Leila Langdalen, Head of Information at ROSA, and David Weiss shared trends around street prostitution, brothels and prostitution from apartments and discussed the challenges in identifying victims of forced labour.
  • A fruitful discussion on «Local is global!». There are many challenges and successes we can learn from each other and ways of collaborating across countries. Human trafficking is a global phenomenon where solutions must be sought at local level.
  • ROSA and the Human Trafficking Unit shares the belief that victims who have committed crimes as a result of human trafficking have the right to be considered for exemption from punishment.

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